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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Money Plant

Money Plant
Money Plant 

Money plant is a good plant in the world. Mostly people like Money plant. There is no flower on this plant but it is very beautiful plant. There is so many story behind it. Example : 1) People think that if we are having money plant in our house then our luck with us. 2) By Money Plant we get money easily. 3) Money plant is helping in our problem if we have then. Etc.
People steal this plant from another house, if we steal money plant then it is very good.
If you need this plant then search this plant on your friends house, and steal money plant . Please cut only 4-5 leaf with trunk.
I also like money plant. It is good for me. Use this plant it will change your life. Money Plant leaf color is green. We can take this plant in our room. We can take this plant in bottle also.

                    Bhawani Singh Rathore

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